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Security Needs in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Coming from humble origins, Amsterdam was originally a small fishing village. However, it quickly became one of the most important ports in the world and was a huge outlet for trading. During the Dutch Golden Age, when the Netherlands was wealthy with diamonds, Amsterdam grew to massive importance. Even still, Amsterdam is a massively important economic city. It is home to seven of the world’s 500 largest companies’ headquarters, including Philips and ING. It’s also host to cultural mainstays like the Van Gogh Museum, the Anne Frank House, and more. Due to its importance both economically and culturally, Amsterdam, Netherlands is in need of quality security technologies to help keep the residents and tourists of Amsterdam safe.

Reading License Plates

When it comes to transportation security, identifying the vehicle is a great first step. Our License Plate Reader is an appropriate first step in determining the driver of a vehicle in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Our LPR system will provide superior image quality, allowing you to not only read the alpha and numeric information on the plate, but it will give you a full image that other systems simply can’t. This is ideal for a border crossing or secure parking facility where you want to be checking the license plates of everyone who enters and exits.

Under Vehicle Scans

Simply put, if you aren’t scanning beneath road vehicles and trains, your security protocols aren’t up to snuff. It’s shocking how easy it is to affix an improvised explosive device onto the bottom of a vehicle and that’s a risk that isn’t worth taking. Instead of relying on manual inspections, which can be incomprehensive as there is still the human error factor, utilize a system like our Automatic Under Vehicle Inspection System (AUVIS) or our Automatic Train Undercarriage Inspection System. If you’re serious about security in Amsterdam, Netherlands, you must consider inspecting under vehicles if you really want to catch all potential threats to your business or government facility.

Identifying Drivers

Our DriverCam is certainly a powerful technology. It can allow the user to identify the driver of a vehicle no matter the conditions, including if the driver’s windows are tinted or if there is glare from the sun that would normally obstruct your view. With its flexible installation options, you can really utilize the DriverCam however you want or need. It’s capable of facial recognition, so when paired with the right database, you can rest easily knowing that only the right people are entering your facility in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Gatekeeper Security for Amsterdam, Netherlands

Gatekeeper Security’s suite of intelligent optical technologies provides security personnel with the tool to detect today’s threats. Our systems help those in the energy, transportation, commercial, and government sectors protect their people and their valuables by detecting threats in time to take action. From automatic under vehicle inspection systems, automatic license plate reader systems, to on the move automatic vehicle occupant identifier, we offer full 360-degree vehicle scanning to ensure any threat is found. Throughout 30 countries around the globe, Gatekeeper Security’s technology is trusted to help protect critical infrastructure. Follow us on Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn for updates about our technology and company.