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How Security Technology Has Become a Necessity Within the Energy Industry

Security Technology

To protect the integrity of the energy industry, it’s important that we invest in the right kinds of security technology.

Just about everything we do these days relies on the energy industry. The fact is, society as we know it would crumble away if we suddenly lost all of the elements of our energy infrastructure. While energy facilities may not come to mind as immediate targets—compared to heavily-populated buildings or events that have historically ended up being some of the most notorious targets for acts of terror—just consider the amount of damage that has been done in the past. Events like Chernobyl or Japan’s own Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster make it clear that nuclear facilities must be protected, but even beyond that, any element of the energy industry is essential in maintaining our daily lives. Let’s look at how security technology has become an essential part of the energy industry and what some of that tech may actually look like.  

Why the Energy Industry?

Almost everything we do relies on the continued functionality of the energy industry. From stoplights, to computers, to cell phones, to just about anything that has a power cable, keeping these devices up and running is essential when it comes to maintaining our standard of living. Beyond that, most security technology out there relies on staying powered as well, so if we undermine the integrity of the energy industry, we’re undermining the integrity of the entire security industry. Sites like oil refineries, nuclear facilities, natural gas centers and beyond all require a robust approach to security technology that covers all of the bases.

What Tech is Used?

In the past, much of the heavy lifting required security professionals to be highly trained and to know what to look for. This approach opens up the possibilities of human error causing serious mistakes and leading to people being harmed. Modern security technology often takes advantage of artificial intelligence, allowing complex algorithms to pour through huge amounts of data and recognize patterns that ultimately allow security professionals to do their job more effectively. Gatekeeper’s approach towards vehicle inspection technology is just one expression of this A.I.-heavy approach and can effectively secure sensitive energy facilities.

Vehicle Inspection Security With Gatekeeper

Gatekeeper Security’s suite of intelligent optical technologies provides security personnel with the tool to detect today’s threats. Our systems help those in the energy, transportation, commercial, and government sectors protect their people and their valuables by detecting threats in time to take action. From automatic under vehicle inspection systems, automatic license plate reader systems, to on the move automatic vehicle occupant identifier, we offer full 360-degree vehicle scanning to ensure any threat is found. Throughout 30 countries around the globe, Gatekeeper Security’s technology is trusted to help protect critical infrastructure. Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for updates about our technology and company.

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