Gatekeeper Security

Why Most Organizations Depend on Automatic License Plate Readers

With the use of intelligent automatic license plate readers, law enforcement officers will have a better opportunity at decreasing crime.

In the 21st century, there aren’t enough leads for police offers and other law enforcement and security organizations to track down the evidence they need to solve crimes. So if a thief steals a package from your mailbox, there is a very good chance they will get away with it. Interestingly, a big portion of crime involves vehicles and license plates, which contain public information about that vehicle. If you want to keep the community or facility safe, you could use technology that identifies vehicles, tracks down different leads, and helps law enforcement capture any evidence required needed to solve crimes. With the use of intelligent automatic license plate readers, law enforcement officers will have a better opportunity at decreasing crime. Read on to learn so much more about why most organizations depend on automatic license plate readers from Gatekeeper Security!

Embrace the True Value of Technology

There have been concerns in the past about automatic license plate readers and the fact that they can feel like an invasion of privacy. However, it’s constructive to remember that we can help implement better safeguarding to protect the public from any misuse. There are many pros to this kind of technology. Those include…

Law Enforcement Could Do Much More

Today, law enforcement agencies depend on witness accounts to recall vehicle types, colors, and, with enough luck, license plates. However, you can now collect data from hundreds of different vehicles per minute with automatic license plate readers. This form of technology helps law enforcement and specific businesses be more efficient and much more accurate while looking to stop crime.

Promoting Public Safety and Security

Not only will automatic license plate readers promote public safety, but this new cutting-edge technology will also help protect offers and security personnel for everyone involved. With license plate reader systems, security personnel and law enforcement officers now have more information about a car that they’re about to approach. Before an officer decides to step outside the car to get in contact with a vehicle, they will know whether the vehicle was associated with any older crimes or offenses. This information is insightful and helps those dealing with security to understand when to take extra precautions when necessary. This form of technology is extremely efficient as well, so in a crowded space with plenty of vehicles passing by, it can capture images at a fast pace.

Groundbreaking Technologies with Gatekeeper

Gatekeeper Security’s suite of intelligent optical technologies provides security personnel with the tool to detect today’s threats. Our systems help those in the energy, transportation, commercial, and government sectors protect their people and their valuables by detecting threats in time to act. From automatic under vehicle inspection systems, automatic license plate reader systems, to on the move automatic vehicle occupant identifier, we offer full 360-degree vehicle scanning to ensure any threat is found. Throughout 376 countries around the globe, Gatekeeper Security’s technology is trusted to help protect critical infrastructure. Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for updates about our technology and company.