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Global Terrorism Trends That Gatekeeper Security Can Protect Against

Global Terrorism Trends That Gatekeeper Security Can Protect Against

Understanding what is currently happening within the world of global terrorism helps us understand how we can better address our vulnerabilities.

As security technology and the ways towards improving the safety of the world grow each year, so do the methods of any terrorist organization around the world. When we discuss terrorism, it is hard to really compare a few of the attacks on different countries with different security technology and infrastructure levels. However, one thing is quite clear: investing in terrorist screening technology and other security technology has become an actual necessity, no matter your industry. Understanding what is currently happening within the world of global terrorism helps us understand how we can better address these vulnerabilities and which approaches and technologies may be more helpful. Read on to learn how Gatekeeper Security can assist against modern global terrorism trends.

A Real Reliance on Improvisation

We typically think of terrorist attacks being done by men in masks with assault rifles, but a lot of terrorist attacks done today are through alternative means of destruction. Over the last handful of years, the use of firearms in terrorist attacks in most countries has dropped by a lot. The reason being is that terrorists have been looking into much more improvisational methods of destruction that are more easy to access, like using vehicles or explosive devices. While the conversation of firearm legislation is a tough one to have, it is vital that we do not forget about correct vehicle inspection and building access to prevent the use of any improvised explosive devices. Gatekeeper Security can assist with this with our arsenal of security technology.

Added Targeting Disarray

Situations that are a bit tougher to secure have become a handful of the most prominent targets for terrorist attacks. These include the Paris attacks from 2015, where a concert was the main target, in Barcelona in 2017, when a van drove into people on a famous street, or in 2016 in Orlando, when a nightclub was targeted. In any case, a spot was chosen due to vulnerabilities, but by looking at any areas that could be potential targets for terrorists, we can be more prepared to put the needed features in place through our security technology.

Lethal Attacks on the Upswing

The number of terrorist attacks can shift annually, but there has been an increase in lethality. Lethal attacks mean more deaths, and this shift is noticeable within the last decade or so. As threats continue to grow and adapt while also embracing new technological and social ideas, so do the security industry and its methods for taking down terrorist threats all around the world. Gatekeeper Security has many forms of security technology, so call us if you’d like to learn more!

Groundbreaking Technologies with Gatekeeper

Gatekeeper Security’s suite of intelligent optical technologies provides security personnel with the tool to detect today’s threats. Our systems help those in the energy, transportation, commercial, and government sectors protect their people and their valuables by detecting threats in time to act. From automatic under vehicle inspection systems, automatic license plate reader systems, to on the move automatic vehicle occupant identifier, we offer full 360-degree vehicle scanning to ensure any threat is found. Throughout 376 countries around the globe, Gatekeeper Security’s technology is trusted to help protect critical infrastructure. Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for updates about our technology and company.

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