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How Artificial Intelligence is Impacting Vehicle Inspection Technologies

How Artificial Intelligence is Impacting Vehicle Inspection Technologies

Artificial intelligence has greatly impacted vehicle inspection technology.

In a lot of regards, artificial intelligence has changed the way society approaches problem-solving. We are now able to delegate tasks that could be taken care of by machine learning to complex algorithms to do a good load of the work for us. But, in general, artificial intelligence is still in its earliest stages. The potential for what we are able to do with artificial intelligence is staggering; however, as things currently stand, there are a few specific applications where it has thrived immensely. This includes most security technologies. Read on to learn how artificial intelligence has impacted vehicle inspection technology and what benefits are taken from AI-driven systems.

How Exactly Does Artificial Intelligence Operate?

When we discuss artificial intelligence these days, we are typically referring to machine learning. Artificial intelligence is any intelligent behavior and carried out by machines. A few examples of AI are facial recognition technology, self-driving vehicles, and whatever personal assistant that is on your current smartphone. Machine learning lets artificial intelligence become very efficient at one specified thing, which works very well in conditions and areas where you can provide the AI with enough data points to effectively and efficiently “learn” trends within that specific data set. This kind of patent recognition allows us to take on large sets of information and make something like security. You could be dealing with multiple different entities entering or leaving a building or facility, much more manageable.

Improved Image Analysis

When it comes down to visual security analysis, we’ve historically relied on human operations to run these systems. There are many drawbacks to this. They might not know what it is they’re looking for, and they might not be able to determine what it is the text says accurately. They also might not be able to record data on what it is they see efficiently. Artificial intelligence does a lot of the heavy lifting now, allowing us to do things like quickly and efficiently organize data regarding license plates and facial scans. This is all while comparing them against different databases to enable security operators to make much better decisions regarding vehicle inspections.

Artificial intelligence is changing the game for vehicle inspection technologies. For more information on both, give Gatekeeper Security a call today!

Groundbreaking Technologies with Gatekeeper

Gatekeeper Security’s suite of intelligent optical technologies provides security personnel with the tool to detect today’s threats. Our systems help those in the energy, transportation, commercial, and government sectors protect their people and their valuables by detecting threats in time to act. From automatic under vehicle inspection systems, automatic license plate reader systems, to on the move automatic vehicle occupant identifier, we offer full 360-degree vehicle scanning to ensure any threat is found. Throughout 36 countries around the globe, Gatekeeper Security’s technology is trusted to help protect critical infrastructure. Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for updates about our technology and company.

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